It's now easier to access your Brava Skin Cleanser Wipes


What has changed?

Ostomates only need to have their R1 form signed once by their healthcare provider (previously every 6 months)


If you have already had your form signed:

You do not need to do anything more, your R1 form is on file at your association - you can continue to access the allocation each month in your order.

Associations should not require ostomates to have the new form signed.


If you have not had your form signed:

You should use the updated SAS Cleanser Wipe Authorisation form to seek authorisation from your authorised health professional and submit the completed form to your stoma association.

You will only need to seek this authorisation once.

An authorised health professional can be a stomal therapy nurse, nurse practitioner, registered nurse, or registered medical practitioner - including your GP.


Why should you get your form signed?

Brava skin cleanser wipes are an important part of a healthy skin routine. They have been designed specifically for use with a stoma. Being able to clean the skin quickly and easily during a bag change, the wipes don’t contain any alcohol or additives that could compromise adhesion or heighten skin irritation.


To ensure your skin health and ease of bag changes all you have to do is download the R1 form and have it signed by a health care professional.


Our Care Team is here to answer any questions you have about this new process of ordering your Skin Cleanser Wipes.

To speak with our Care Team and download a SAS Cleanser Wipe Authorisation Form, please fill out the form below.


What type of stoma do you have*

Sample consent declaration
From time to time, we at Coloplast would like to let you know about relevant Coloplast products and services; share inspirational stories from other customers; or tell you about forthcoming events via phone, text, email, or post. Our communication to you will be based on the information you provided to us and your preferences and interests, including your heath data. The choice is yours - and as with any of our services, you may opt-out at any time.


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