Pre-op kits 

Preparing yourself with information before having your stoma surgery is essential for enhancing your confidence in managing a stoma. You may have questions regarding your stoma, the application of an ostomy bag, and concerns about how it will feel on your skin..

Having any operation can be an emotional experience but being well prepared can help you to know what to expect. Whether your operation was planned or an emergency, our pre-op kits have been specially curated to answer your questions about having a stoma and can be used as a reference guide for later on. 

Our Pre-Op kits are available for ordering . These kits are specifically designed to help you become more familiar with the process of having a stoma.

 What's included in your pre-operation kit:

  • x2 SenSura Mio ostomy bags  

  • Stoma measuring guide

  • pre-stoma essential advice booklet

Fill in your details to request a pre-op kit


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