Many clinical studies and reviews have been published on transanal irrigation and the use of Peristeen. More than 1,000 patients have evaluated the treatment modality. Peristeen reduces symptoms of constipation and faecal incontinence. A large randomised controlled trial investigated the efficacy and safety of Peristeen compared to conservative bowel management treatment - defined as adjustment in diet and fluid, regular activity and use of laxatives or constipating medication(1).

Fig. 1: A significant reduction in constipation symptoms from13.2 to 10.3 when using Peristeen compared to conservative treatment.
Fig. 2: A significant reduction in faecal incontinence symptoms from 7.3 to 5.0 when using Peristeen compared to conservative treatment.
Peristeen is proven to be safe in use

Fig. 3: Time spent on bowel management was reduced from74.4 to 47.0 minutes when using Peristeen(2).
Fig. 4: Side-effects when using Peristeen(3).
- Minor side effects were reported in 48% of patients in a long-term study
- One non-lethal bowel perforation occurred in ~ 50,000 irrigations