Partnerships strengthens support for the community

Coloplast has partnered with MS Queensland, SBH Queensland and Spinal Life Australia to offer partnership clinics, free to the community.


Our partnerships allow us to provide a range of initiatives to promote effective continence care and support services to improve health and wellbeing across Australia with neurogenic conditions.


Our partnership encompasses holding a series of clinics for people with neurogenic continence needs to receive one-on-one continence assessments, health and lifestyle advice to manage routines and prevent infections (intermittent catheter users) and guidance on how to include continence items on NDIS plans.


Coloplast ANZ, Vice President, Frederik Bruun-Petersen, said the company was excited about our partnerships.

“We are aligned on our values and share the same core mission to empower people with intermit health care needs to live more easily and independently,” Mr Bruun-Petersen said.


“We do so by supporting people with bladder and bowel needs, which fits into our partners’ holistic support in the community.”

Together with MS Queensland, SBH Queensland and Spinal Life Australia, we are giving you access to free continence medical care, through the Coloplast Care Nursing and Support Services, where you can explore which solutions are available and which will suit your specific needs — allowing you to focus on being you again!

How to enquire about an appointment

The clinic is run by experienced Coloplast Clinical Nurse Advisors who have access to all the latest products available. First appointments are likely to be around an hour, and follow-up appointments will be shorter. You can either call our consumer care team and enquire about an appointment over the phone (1800 316 649) or by clicking the ‘request an appointment’ button below and someone will contact you back. Where possible we will try and support you over the phone with our team of skilled Consumer Care Specialists, but if a clinic appointment is required, we will be able to book you in to speak to one of our nurse advisors.


We would always recommend that you seek assistance from your own specialist continence nurse if you have one prior to enquiring with our service as they will know your situation better.


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