Coloplast has partnered with MS Queensland, SBH Queensland and Spinal Life Australia to offer partnership clinics, free to the community.
Our partnerships allow us to provide a range of initiatives to promote effective continence care and support services to improve health and wellbeing across Australia with neurogenic conditions.
Our partnership encompasses holding a series of clinics for people with neurogenic continence needs to receive one-on-one continence assessments, health and lifestyle advice to manage routines and prevent infections (intermittent catheter users) and guidance on how to include continence items on NDIS plans.
Coloplast ANZ, Vice President, Frederik Bruun-Petersen, said the company was excited about our partnerships.
“We are aligned on our values and share the same core mission to empower people with intermit health care needs to live more easily and independently,” Mr Bruun-Petersen said.
“We do so by supporting people with bladder and bowel needs, which fits into our partners’ holistic support in the community.”