Find the SenSura Mio that's right for you

Is your stoma on an area with bulges or curves?


If the area around your stoma rises from your abdomen, you could benefit from SenSura Mio Concave. It's the only baseplate specially designed for bulges and curves.


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Is your stoma on an inward area?


If the area around your stoma sinks into your abdomen creating a dip, you could benefit from SenSura Mio Convex. It has integrated flexlines for a stable and secure fit on inward areas.


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Is your stoma on a flat area?


If the area around your stoma is more or less level with your abdomen, you could benefit from SenSura Mio. It has an elastic adhesive for a secure fit on flat areas.


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What type of stoma do you have?*

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From time to time, we at Coloplast would like to let you know about relevant Coloplast products and services; share inspirational stories from other customers; or tell you about forthcoming events via phone, text, email, or post. Our communication to you will be based on the information you provided to us and your preferences and interests, including your heath data. The choice is yours - and as with any of our services, you may opt-out at any time


SenSura Mio is the only ostomy brand (range) with solutions in flat, convex, concave, HOPO and Baby&Kids. SenSura Mio can as such cater to all 648 body profiles in the body check tool, which is validated by nurses in Coloplast Ostomy Forum.

Coloplast data-on-file (10/2024)

Try the #1 ostomy brand in the world - SenSura Mio


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